Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Last Week in Bentos

Schools out for summer!!!
This is like 2 weeks mashed into 1 post...I think.
It doesn't really is just lunches.
I didn't even have to pack lunches on the last day of school.
The minions' school did a BBQ!
Bento #1:
*Waffles w/ dip (syrup for the boy, apple butter for the girl)
*Fruit salad
*Sausage patty
Bento #2: 
*Tuna salad pocket sandwich
*Mini brownie cookie
*Homemade applesauce
Bento #3: 
*Gyro meat
*Sliced cucumber
*Black olives
*Laughing cow cheese wedge
Bento #4: 
*Peanut butter and banana pocket sandwich
*Fruit snacks
*Homemade applesauce
*Veggie straws
Bento #5: 
*White bean chicken chili (thermos)
*Fruit snacks
Bento #6: 
*Ham and cheese slider
*Shredded wheat with raisin filling
*Mini donut
*Strawberry Greek yogurt
~*~Have a wonderful summer!~*~

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