Second thing...I never win anything, ever. I could buy 99 tickets out of 100 and the other person who bought one would win. Seriously.
But guess what? I WON SOMETHING! Cristi over at BentOnBetterLunches had a LunchBots giveaway. I just had to enter this giveaway. I keep seeing these lunchboxes around everywhere and I absolutely adore them. They come in super cute colors, are stainless steel and they have different "layouts" for lack of a better term on my part. I chose the quad, and in the green color because it is my favorite color even though Bubs will be using this the most.
So here is my first of many lunches packed in this awesome box. I of course want to get more...we'll see. The husband already shakes his head when he opens the bento cabinet.
In this bento:
*Turkey and muenster cheese roll ups
*2 mini homemade blueberry muffins
*Petite carrots, sugar snap peas and ranch dip
*3 chicken gyoza with a soysauce container
F.Y.I.: Apparently, I am supposed to put something here about these opinions are my own, no one elses and I did not get paid for this. But I seriously do love this lunchbox!
What a delicious lunch!