Thursday, March 1, 2012

Just Kidding...Friday's Lunch: Green Eggs and Ham...what else?

We decided against hot lunch for Friday. Bubs said, "Will you pack me cold lunch? What if hot lunch makes me sick and I get all pukey at school in front of my friends?...NOT COOL!" So, I packed a bento.

Friday, March 2nd just so happens to be the birthday of the one and only Dr. Seuss. Perfect timing too since The Lorax is coming out in the theaters tomorrow (coincidence? You betcha!). So of course, I had to make a fun bento for the kid that won't hurt his guts.

In this bento:

*Pretzel snaps
*Ham (in the shape of cats, for Cat in the Hat)
*Hard boiled egg (It is green, the picture makes it look blue, but I promise it is green)
*Celery in peanut butter
*White chocolate and M & M eggs
*Juice box
*Snack: Pirate Booty
(Gluten free white cheddar cheesy "popcorn" is the best way to explain it)

*Cat shaped ham

Green eggs.
Made of melted white chocolate and a green M & M.
I'm pretty excited about these, not going to lie.

*Packed in: blue bento box from Okinawa
with a mushroom elastic band to keep it closed.
*Snack packed in: Japanese Power Ranger (Shinkinger) bento.

P.S. Doctor's appointment for the Bubs is scheduled on Tuesday. Very ready for some answers!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for commenting on my site! Happy to have found yours!! :) New follower.

    Love your Seussified lunch creation! I replied back on my page to your question also.
